Thursday, September 21, 2006

Three Score

Sixty years ago in the little town of La Junta, Colorado, I apparently arrived screaming and wailing. The nurses at the hospital where my mom (also a nurse) worked knitted me little booties and stuck cardboard in the bottoms so that when visitors viewed the newborns, One, in particular, drew laughs, guffaws, pointed fingers, comments and giggles. Those darn booties must have been 6" long. The wrapped little bundle with the blue skull cap also had these huge clown feet sticking straight of the bassinet and drew gales of laughter.

Well, Fine. If that is the tone that marks my birth, so be it.

I do find that I tell jokes, all kind of jokes, I like it. I'm pretty good at it and I enjoy the heck out of listening to laughter, seeing smiling faces and sharing new humorous adventures. So clean or dirty, PC or not, I will continue as long as I live. I figure if I'm still making folks grin, it means I'm still able to walk on the short grass and that's not a bad thing.

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