Monday, November 27, 2006

New Beginnings

I have been busy since my last post. My oldest son and his wife just purchased their first new home. It is wonderful. To them, it was a nightmare of paperwork, credit checks, disclosures, inspections, negotiations, points, more inspections, more negotiations, and finally some signatures and it was theirs. They were both worried, exasperated, frantic, scared and nervous until the signing was done, paperwork handed over with their keys and walked out of the title office.

I have never seen such shining glorious smiles. They were both grinning so big, I thought their faces would crack. Amazing. They have not stopped smiling. They don't yet see, the repairs that will have to be made, the insurance costs, the interest, or any of those sometimes discouraging elements of home ownership. They just see the house they want to make their home. And that's as it should be. Bless them both.

Flame and I helped paint all three bedrooms, the bathrooms, hung new light fixtures, cleaned all the kitchen cabinets, painted the shelves, drawers, closets, pantry, changed all the locks, added missing pull chains, hardware, clothes rods, new plumbing for leaking toilets, shelves and other little tasks that wore us out. The kids handled the moving part, using borrowed pickups, in-laws, out-laws, friends and family, moved everything from the apartment to the house in two days.

Then after the adrenaline rush was over, crashed and slept 10+ hours. But you know what? When they woke up, I bet the smiles were still there and will be for a long time.

1 comment:

Greybeard said...

Red Letter Days come now and then in our lives. Buying a home for the first time is RED in bold, capitalized, with quotes and an exclamation point!
Good for the kids.
And it makes me smile to think of O.P.D. and Flame with paint spots all over!