Monday, January 22, 2007


New Mexico is closed. Not all of it, just the highways, schools, businesses, courts, state offices, and a few others. Here where I am sitting at work, it is a balmy 23 degrees and the grounds keepers are trying to chip through the ice and snow to clear the walk ways. Good luck guys.

I like snow, it's enjoyable to watch, adds much needed moisture to the earth and should always be accompanied with a roaring fire and a good book. Not so much of that is happening here. I really really really wanted a snow day. But no, here I sit at work, watching not much of anything as most of our students may or may not show up. At least it's quiet. Boring, but quiet.

I-40 the major east/west road is closed from Albuquerque to the Arizona State line. I-25, the north/south artery is closed in several places. Trucks, cars abound the road side as they await a clear road ahead or at least a snowplow to lead the way. Lots of accidents reported. What a surprise. Folks in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico do NOT have the essential skills to navigate slippery slidey slick roads. Doesn't stop them from getting out and going somewhere, but sure make it interesting to play dodge the spinning pickup. I think the biggest reason can be attributed to one simple uncompromising fact of human nature. Almost every driver in the world thinks of themselves as a better driver than anyone else on the planet.

I may take the day off and go home.

1 comment:

Greybeard said...

Watching cars gracefully swapping ends like some recent TV commercial I have seen brought back a memory:
February of 1968, when it snowed in Dallas for the first time in four years.
I found an intersection at the base of a hill, parked my car, sat back and enjoyed the entertainment.
Full-scale bumper cars!

Stay safe pal!