Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Yesterday was the 6th anniversary of one of the most catastrophic acts ever perpetrated against our Nation. I was trying to remember what I was doing that fateful day. MommaNurse wrote her thoughts in her blog, and I wanted to do the same.

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when President Kennedy was assassinated. I can clearly recall every momentous occasion that has affected my and my families lives. I cannot, simply cannot, recall that horrible day in 2001.

I remember phrases, and conversations from that day.
"Have you turned on your TV?"
"Can you see this?"
" Did you get hold of your son and is he OK?"

I cannot remember anything else, I never left watching television, waiting for news, calling friends, checking on folks I knew to be in the City. But I cannot clearly remember anything else. It was mind-numbing. I was angry, saddened, horrified, disgusted, and worried. Recently, I received an E-Mail of pictures of the USS New York. I was gratified, impressed and awed by the story. I cannot imagine a more poignant use of the remains of the towers. I may be vengeful, but I truly hope the New York is able to deliver some retribution for the shameless atrocities imposed on our Nation.

Please visit and look up USS New York. and read the story.

1 comment:

Greybeard said...

Yeah, the story about the USS New York is inspiring. We know the composition of the residue that covered that steel after the buildings fell, so obviously that boat is made of more than mere metal! Like you, I hope she goes on to distinguish herself!

I too can only describe my day on 11Sep as a blur. I was home after working all night, and was supposed to be hitting the hay to get "uninterrupted sleep". Transfixed to the TV all day long, I resigned myself to the fact that I would not be safe to fly that evening. As it turned out, the phone didn't ring so I didn't let anyone down.