Thursday, June 01, 2006

As this is my first blog, I am tempted to just tell everyone about myself, my life, family etc... But then I decided to vent. I don't intend to use this blog to rant and rave and generally impose on anyone, but some things have to be aired out so to speak and I am gonna get right to it.

New Mexico, The Land of Enchantment, is my home and generally I am pretty satisfied with it. It is beautiful, it has charm, good food, and some of the most hospitable weather around. That is if you don't mind DRY. We have no Hurricanes, Earthquakes (ok, small ones and rarely), Floods, tornados (again rare). We do have FIRES.

We also have some of the most inventive politics I have ever seen. Some Good, Some Stupid. Some come under the heading of this post. Our legislature in its infinite wisdom has enacted a new law raising, I say again, raising the dollar amount one may shoplift before it becomes a felony. It was $250.00 before and now its $500.00.

Why, you may ask, well its simple, inventive and borders on the incredulous. It seems that some one figured out that this law has not been updated since 1975 and the cost of living and the price index has risen a lot since then so they changed the law to keep up with the times.

Helll0oooooo, I feel sure that the local retailers have massive headaches from slapping themselves on the forehead and screaming,
" You've got to be kidding?"


Greybeard said...

Well, here I am with mixed emotions...
Pleased that you've started down the blogpath, but irritated that I'm gonna mildly disagree with ya about your first post!
(But you didn't want total agreement with your thoughts anyway, I know.)

Try an experiment:
In a congested walkway, put a penny, nickel, and a dime on the ground and see how long it takes someone to pick it up.

Someone like me will finally do it, but it may take a while for a "Greybeard" type to come along. Most will have the attitude that 16 cents is not worth stooping down to pick up.

I saw last week where it now costs 1.23 cents to mint a penny due to the cost of copper. That can't continue for long.

We're talking about the difference between Petty and Grand theft here, and the dollar value of what it takes to cross the threshold into Grand theft has certainly gone up. You don't want to be throwing someone into prison for a felony, just because they pilfered a loaf of bread.....(Les Miserables!)

Mommanurse said...

Well, in my typical Libra fashion, I have to say I can see both your and GB's side of the argument. As a taxpayer, I really don't want to be paying for 3 squares for ANYBODY who has only shoplifting as his ticket to the little cage, but I am also in favor of integrity, even in the small things. If you will lie, cheat, steal, ignore, not care, etc, over the small things, you will do it over the big ones as well. All it takes is a good dose of rationalization.
By the way, welcome, welcome. And GB and I can both tell you, keep it up, WE especially care about your random thoughts, and you may be surprised at how many other people find them interesting as well. Love to you and yours, OPD.